Business Voicemail
Reliable, high-speed internet that can handle the whole family at prices you can afford.
Important Notice: System Outage
Our system is experiencing an unexpected outage. As a result, we are currently unable to access customer accounts, which is causing delays in processing payments and orders at our physical locations and online. Our team is actively working to resolve this outage as quickly as possible. We will provide updates as soon as the system is operational. Our customer support lines remain open and are available to document your requests. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
Voicemail Helps You Manage Your Communication
PRTC’s New Voicemail Plus service provides all of the advantages of Voicemail service — taking a message while you’re on the phone or not able to answer the phone — with the added advantages of managing your messages.
Voicemail Plus is only $3.50 per month. Special Offer: Sign up for any Voicemail package for 12 months and be entered to win 3 months of the service free*
* Offer available to customers who sign a 12-month contract. Must be a PRTC customer in good standing to win. Some restrictions may apply.
Check out all of our great Voicemail Packages:
Includes Expanded Voicemail features plus:
Includes Voicemail Plus features plus: